Buying a home in Oklahoma, whether for the first time or the last, is an exciting event. Yet before you even take a look at a single home for sale, it is a smart idea to have your mortgage financing lined up. While it is possible to get a home loan direct
Jun 20, 2018 | mortgage brokers
While homeownership has long been the American dream, buying a home is not necessarily the best choice for every person or every situation. There are many factors to consider in determining if a home purchase is the right decision for you right now. Can
Jun 14, 2018 | Purchasing a Home
Years ago, a 20% down payment was a requirement for obtaining a mortgage loan. Putting that much money down made it less likely that borrowers would simply default on their home loans and gave lenders a measure of security and collateral in the case of fo
Jun 07, 2018 | First-time Homebuyers
If you have been delaying purchasing your new home, Now might be the time to act. According to several different industry mortgage rate surveys, rates will be even higher by the time 2015 rolls around. This is not the only issue in delaying your potentia
Apr 23, 2014 | mortgage rates 2015 mortgage rates 2014 mortgage rate mortgage rate tulsa mortgage rates mortgage Oklahoma mortgage approval process Oklahoma mortgage rates zero down mortgage mortgage rates tulsa mortgage Tulsa first time home buyers first time home buyer program first time home buyer Infographic home loan mortgage buying a home purchaing a home
Are you a Millennial Home Buyer that's planning on purchasing a home in 2014? According to a recent Plute Group survey of Millennial Home Buyers over 85% plan to purchase a home in the near future. With over 49% planning on purchasing a home within th
Apr 17, 2014 | 1st time home buyer 1st time home buyer home loan 1st time home buyer home mortgage 1st time home buyer program 1st time home buyer loan millennial home buyers first time home buyers first time home buyer
According to the National Association of Realtors 2013 survey of First Time Home Buyers, the most common ways that homebuyers came up with the downpayment needed to buy a home was cutting down luxury spending. Cutting down entertainment spendin
Mar 11, 2014 | 1st time home buyer 1st time home buyer home loan 1st time home buyer home mortgage 1st time home buyer loan 1st time home buyer program first time home buyer mortgage first time home buyer zero down mortgage Infographic mortgage home loan